Little Dish is a £10 million a year business that makes children's ready meals for the big supermarkets. The range includes spaghetti with meatballs, cottage pie, fish pie, risotto... Like some of us - it's founder Hilary Graves had the inspiration for her business when she was pregnant. 'I realised no-one was making fresh healthy food for toddlers and young children' she says.
Well Hilary, we were - we were just giving them some of our dinner.
Francesca Pitcher from North Star Cakes in Kent created this Burmese python cake for her daughter's birthday and put a picture on her Facebook page - and before she knew it the photo began to spread around the world. As we get into the new Great British Bake-off and have already seen a cake that can be seen from space, we might be adding a few more here. If you want to order a Snake Cake or read the funny comments on her page, have a quick look.
Angus Kennedy had a job some people would consider a dream - £30,000 a year tasting chocolate. But he was warned that his cholesterol level was becoming 'dangerously high' after his role required him to eat up to 2lbs of cocoa-covered sweets that included ants and aphrodisiac lollipops - every day. Mars and Nestle relied on his experience and his sophisticated palate to sample new treats and Angus would then write about the products in the trade journal - Kennedy's Confection. But the high-calorie diet caused his weight to balloon and doctors warned he risked a heart attack if he carried on. Read more in the Telegraph...
...this time with a Food Revolution Day on 19th May. This is what he says ' It's a chance for people who love food to come together to share information, talents and resources; to pass on their knowledge and highlight the world’s food issues. All around the globe, people will work together to make a difference. Food Revolution Day is about connecting with your community through events at schools, restaurants, local businesses, dinner parties and farmers' markets. We want to inspire change in people’s food habits and to promote the mission for better food and education for everyone.' Look here for an event near you, or if you're in Russia, there are some there too - shame - there aren't any in the Caribbean.
Here's a challenge. A writing competition for foodies. You might be better at it than us.
A brillliant party game - and saves YOU a lot of time too...
Written by ClaireI can hardly bear to say the c word but we wiill be looking for a Dish of the Day for that time of year when everyone gives each other presents, and for November and October too. If you have a nice recipe and look good in an apron why not appear on here? It's just an e mail away and you don't have to be a chef; let's have a home cook - from WEST Suffolk.
suffolk foodies are being talked about in the Guardian
Written by ClaireBut why is it always East Suffolk, is it full of Londoners now?